Vol XXII – #45 – Pandemic Poems

Report #7067 Photo: LR-2-18-23

This is a call of a personal nature today. Feel free to share. I’m trying to raise money to help my nephew TJ replace his car. He’s had some bad luck over the last couple of months and is trying to keep everything together. One thing that would help immensely with his life is replacing an old Impala with 205k miles so he can be confident getting to and from work.

Here’s the deal, I created a book of humorous short stories and poems called “The Pandemic Poems”, 12 in all over 28 pages. These are a collection of free thought experiments I did over the last 30 years and recently rediscovered while recovering from you guessed it, COVID. I enlisted my nephew, (who is a gifted artist) to illustrate the stories and this is what came of it (samples below).

You’ve all been very good to us over the years, from helping secure a collection of Erhardt Peters negatives and prints, to supporting this website by buying prints and calendars. $3 of every $6 from the sale of this book will go toward this effort and you get more than just a good feeling, you might also get a laugh or two. The rest goes to printing and shipping costs. This will officially be my second book and go to the Library of Congress with the Leland Report Book.

To order, go to https://www.burnhamgraphicarts.com/pandemic

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