Vol XVII – #049 A Visit Back in Time

Report #5883 Photo: LR_5-17-17

Enterterlprise 23 July, 1925

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Msmaro2(Report by Jim today) Mrs. Maro has been featured on this blog several times. But I don’t think these other gems were ever put up. Mrs. Maro was the wife of Walter T. Best, best known by his stage name “Maro the Magician”. She helped finance and run the Old Art Building. And, as you can see above from the 7/23/1925 Enterprise, she also started “The Blue Lantern Tea Room” on M22 (because back then, that’s all the directions you needed, I guess!) I got to spend many Summers exploring her old stately home at the top of the hill overlooking Lake Leelanau.

Also in the news:

  • Fire from Oil stove explosion destroys home in Nausauket! Damages estimated at $2,500
  • Tire Surgery and battery shop in the basement of Norfolk Bros Garage in Lake Leelanau
  • Baby chicks $12 per 100!
  • Nedow Laundry in Leland. “…not responsible for goods in case of fire”!

And the from the “Department of Public Instruction”…

“Michigan can become a great tourist state. We can make it the summer resort of America. We are doing a great deal in many directions, but one thing which seems to me particularly important is the necessity of drilling into our boys and girls, and through them into the minds of older people the desirability of showing every courtesy to tourists.”Enterterlprise 23 July, 1925

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Kathy Crane
Kathy Crane
7 years ago

Where was the Blue Lantern? Does the building still exist?

Jeff in Paw Paw
Jeff in Paw Paw
7 years ago

You youngsters listen up! This tourist expects to be “shown every courtesy” when I arrive in late June.

7 years ago

My computer keeps changing her name!

7 years ago

Where was Mrs. Mark’s home located?

Judy in Grand Blanc
Judy in Grand Blanc
7 years ago

What fun! A good find….thanks for sharing.