If you were driving up through Michigan today for the holiday, like my brother and family did, you were greeted with a dumping of snow and ice across the state. Doesn’t look like anyone was spared, and we got three inches of it up here. One poor soul was laboring with a soil compactor at the Carlson Fishery plot, probably before it got too covered with snow. Not to worry, though, tomorrow is going to be in the 40’s and will turn this nice dusting into a layer of slush just in time for Christmas.
Thanks to everyone who has supported our project throughout the years. We all know how special and “one-of-a-kind” this area is and we have enjoyed bringing out that uniqueness in our images. Love to you all! -Keith and Jim
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Merry Christmas to all you talented Burnhams AND thank you for brightening our days with your beautiful photos. We love you back!
Gorgeous outdoor tree. Thanks for sharing the Leelanau peninsula with us. Meet Christmas and Happy New Year to the Burnhams.