As you can see, this week was great for beach-going, But you’ll have plenty of room to lay out next week because a cold front started moving in today. Also, dredging is in full swing and the Cheese Shanty is open. Also, I had to stop for pedestrians for the first time today. Summer is almost here. You’ve all been… Read more »
 The 2023 Leland Report Calendar is currently at the printers and I expect to ship by the end of this October. We no longer post every day, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have images to share. We thank you for your support as you make this worthwhile for us. I am limiting the printing to 200 calendars this… Read more »
It’s really been an unseasonably cold Summer so far. It doesn’t feel like it broke 74 from the time I was in the Art Shanty to today, but the last three days were spectacular. The first photo is one of my favorite vistas on Pertner Rd and Macksey. With the perfect blend of orchard and farm, all I have to… Read more »
Happy 4th of July! The lake was peppered with boats last night for the fireworks in Hancock Field. We started the day by taking a bike ride around the lake before I went down for my last day at the Art Shanty. I’ll be back next year. Thank you for everyone who came down to visit, it was nice to… Read more »
Come down to the Art Shanty in Fishtown (right under Haystacks) through 7/4. I’ll be there with canvas, metal, and framed prints, and some cool little acrylic blocks. We’ll also have some Keith Burnham Leland series pen and ink prints, framed and unframed. Â
Jim will be sitting in the Fishtown Preservation’s Art Shanty from 6/28 – 7/5. I’ll be there with canvas, metal, and framed prints, and some cool little acrylic blocks. We’ll also have some Keith Burnham Leland series pen and ink prints, framed and unframed. A special offering this year is a 41-year-old limited edition print by Keith that we only… Read more »
 Nice light and light wind tonight so I went down to North Beach and launched the drone and did a video run from a mile south to a mile north to compare with the one I did when the water level was at its peak. I’ll post that when I make it. Below is a view of the finished… Read more »
 Fishtown is looking pretty ready for the season! The water level is not as low as it has been recently at 579.5′, but way off the high of just over 582.3′ in 2020. The dredger is running and dumping sand down by South Beach. Today’s water level: Taken back in 2019 (with seiches, the level easily went over… Read more »
I am up in Leland again for the first time since the middle of January. Covid kept me back in Illinois in February, but I spent a couple weeks recovering and finally made my way up. The weather on the trip up Sunday was great, but immediately took a turn Monday, so I apologize for jinxing you all. It’s been… Read more »
If you were driving up through Michigan today for the holiday, like my brother and family did, you were greeted with a dumping of snow and ice across the state. Doesn’t look like anyone was spared, and we got three inches of it up here. One poor soul was laboring with a soil compactor at the Carlson Fishery plot, probably… Read more »