It’s a foggy day here, really foggy. Drove to town in a cloud with a car coming toward me with no headlights, I didn’t hit it. By noon the sun tried to burn through and it turned out to be a nice day.
It’s a foggy day here, really foggy. Drove to town in a cloud with a car coming toward me with no headlights, I didn’t hit it. By noon the sun tried to burn through and it turned out to be a nice day.
A study to revise/add jetties seems like a good idea. I don’t believe Frankfort necessitates dredging frequencies that Leland does. Admittedly, Frankfort was constructed to take on large commercial/industrial traffic it no longer sees on a regular basis, but it might be more economical long-term if Leland looked into it? Studies are relatively inexpensive.
This won’t be very popular with some but I think the Corps/State/County/Township should study the option of installing a jetty perpendicular to the shoreline south of the harbor. It’s purpose would be to “catch” sand moving northward with the prevailing longshore current – before it gets to the harbor. The sand would accumulate as it does along the harbor’s south breakwater that is parallel to the river in Fishtown. The sand that collects along the new jetty could be managed with bulldozers and backhoes as needed and relocated elsewhere. Anytime you try to manage a shoreline there is always the… Read more »
Another dumb question as I also know nothing about it, but when they dredge why do they just dump the sand only about 300 yards south so that it just washes right back into the same place? Why don’t they dump it down by the point or north of the harbor?
The dark blue shows the area that might allow a boat to pass through.
The white or gray show the build up of sand or silt. Per the picture, the pass to the harbor appears to be narrow.
Can someone explain the photo of the Harbor? Is the dark part shallow or deep. Signed, I know nothing about this.
Dark parts are deeper than light parts. Darker is better
So we would call to request funding for dredging? or what?