5:20 am ~ 69° ~ Partly Cloudy ~ Wind: S SW at 2 mph ~ Humidity:78% Sunrise is at 6:49 am ~ Ave. Low is 57° ~ Record Low is 42° (1998) 6:40 pm – 81° ~ Partly Cloudy ~ Wind: West at 10 mph ~ Humidity: 70 % Sunset is at 8:44 pm ~ Ave. High is 78° ~ Record High is 85° (1985) Moonphase: Full ~ Pressure: 29.99 in ~ Dew Point: 67° ~ Visibility:7 Miles Daylight: 13 Hrs 55 Mns Forecast for 8/19/16 – Scattered Thunderstorms – High: 81° – Low: 68°
A Perfect day to go for a sailboat ride.
The Leland Yacht Club is host to the National One Design World Championship.
Nice photo of the sailboats, and with a 10 mph breeze, a perfect day for sailing! Obviously, you “stinkpotters” you and Bisquit, were out “yachting” today Keith,…..good for you! Won’t be long and the boat will be “put to bed” for the winter, and the top will go back on the jeep, huh?
Nice photo of the sailboats, and with a 10 mph breeze, a perfect day for sailing! Obviously, you “stinkpotters” you and Bisquit, were out “yachting” today Keith,…..good for you! Won’t be long and the boat will be “put to bed” for the winter, and the top will go back on the jeep, huh?
Lovin’ the boats!
Love seeing those Nationals! Go, Pollylop!! Not so much the MacMansion…
Wow! Looks like an accident going someplace to happen.