Salmon draw a crowd in Fishtown
Monday morning and thunder! It still feels like summer. We haven’t winterized the boat yet… Sunday was beautiful on Lake Leelanau!
The 2017 Leland Report Calendar is available for pre-order! Shipping around 11/5! New low price! Look for the Book and Calendar Bundle here: http://www.artistasylum.com/specialty-items/e5b7837c1

Moon setting, Good Harbor
Meggen, that’s the National you photographed at Boats on the Wall. It was a beautiful day, and I had a beautiful sail with Robin and Jeff Johnson.
Thanks for sharing your photos.
Your pics are always fantastic Meggen, especially love the moon shot!
Gabby and Dick have said it and I agree, absolutely. Monday’s are always special!
The moon shot, “Oh My!”
The moon shot is absolutely stunning!!!