Home » Fishtown • Lake Michigan • Sunrise/Sunset Vol XX – #064 Meggen’s Monday Meggen Watt Petersen June 1, 2020 1 Comment on Vol XX – #064 Meggen’s Monday NEWS! Read the history behind the Leland Report Book Read the latest stories from the road by Jim Burnham Report #3916 Photo: LR5-6-1-2020 Sunset at end of May Leland, MI12°Cloudy / Wind7:38 am6:15 pm ESTFeels like: -6°FWind: 20mph WNWHumidity: 73%Pressure: 30.11"HgUV index: 11 pm2 pm3 pm4 pm5 pm12°F12°F14°F14°F14°FTueWedThuFriSat18°F / 14°F21°F / 16°F25°F / 19°F27°F / 21°F28°F / 27°F Trap net is loaded on the Joy as the crew prepares to set the first net of the season (Saturday) A bright, crisp, first-day-of-June sunshine illuminates lilacs, below. May that same sunshine give you a moment to pause and simply breathe. Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading...
I can almost smell those lilacs. And the smoked fish!