Vol XVI – #215 – Cloudy Day Color

Report #5687 Photo: LR_10-30-16

LR 10-30-2016

6:00 am ~ 46° ~ Cloudy – Wind: North at 11 mph ~ Humidity: 79%
Sunrise is at 8:19 am ~ Ave. Low is 36° ~ Record Low is 25° (1996)
3:10 pm – 50° ~ Cloudy ~ Wind:  Northeast at 6 mph ~ Humidity: 72%
Sunset is at 6:33 pm ~ Ave. High is 52° ~ Record High is 75° (1999)
Moonphase: New ~ Pressure: 30.21 in ~ Dew Point: 41° ~ Visibility: 9 Miles
Daylight: 10 Hrs 14 Mns
Forecast for 11/31/16 – Partly Cloudy – High: 54° – Low: 48°


Peak color has finally arrived along the costal communities.  Sunshine would be nice, but even on a cloudy day the color is magnificent.   



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Dick, in Rankin
Dick, in Rankin
7 years ago

Now that looks like fall !