6:00 am ~ 67° ~ Clear ~ Wind: Southwest at 3 mph~ Humidity: 84% Sunrise is at 6:42 am ~ Ave. Low is 58°~Record Low is 44° (1982) 4:00 pm. ~ 80° ~ Cloudy ~ Wind: W SW at 10 mph ~ Humidity: 58% Sunset is at 8:53 pm ~ Ave. High is 79° ~ Record High is 89° (1988) Moonphase: Waning Crescent ~ Pressure: 29.93in ~ Dew Point:65° ~ Visibility: 9 Miles Daylight: 14 Hrs 17 Mns Forecast for 8/14/2015- Isolated Thunderst0rms, High 85° F- Low: 63° F
A beautiful day for a sidewalk sale. Actually, a beautiful day for anything you want to do.
Could someone do a chainsaw carving depicting fishtown, sailboats, sunsets? I have seen some amazing ones. Or perhaps carve that whole stump into something like a sailboat?
What’s the latest on the Champion Stump?
Could someone do a chainsaw carving depicting fishtown, sailboats, sunsets? I have seen some amazing ones. Or perhaps carve that whole stump into something like a sailboat?
Or a “Sleeping Bear” would be fitting!