Vol XXII – #51 – Blue Jay

Report #7072 Photo: LR-5-7-23


The weather is still so-so and apparently will continue to be for the next week or so. But I still have some suet and my log and had not gotten a Blue Jay yet. Today was my lucky day. Also, peppermint essential oil repels squirrels. They hate it, it’s a hilarious sight.



You’ve all been very good to us over the years, from helping secure a collection of Erhardt Peters negatives and prints, to supporting this website by buying prints and calendars. $3 of every $6 from the sale of this book will go toward this effort and you get more than just a good feeling, you might also get a laugh or two. The rest goes to printing and shipping costs. This will officially be my second book and go to the Library of Congress with the Leland Report Book.

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Afraid of being robbed at snakepoint? Avoid reading “Mugged”

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Catryna Loos
Catryna Loos
1 year ago

The photo is fabulous! Would the peppermint oil also work on chipmunks???

Robert Cordes
Robert Cordes
1 year ago

Drop Dead Gorgeous photo of that Blue Jay. Thanks also for the Peppermint oil tip.
Bob in Maryland