Vol XV #110 – M22 Facelift

Report #5220 Photo: LR7- 16-15

6:00 am ~ 58° ~ Partly Cloudy ~ Wind: S SW at 2 mph ~ Humidity: 82%
Sunrise is at 6:11 am ~ Ave. Low is 57° ~ Record Low is 41° (1987)
4:00 p.m. ~ 78° ~ Partly Cloudy ~ Wind: West at 3 mph ~ Humidity: 35%
Sunset is at 9:27 pm ~ Ave. High is 80° ~ Record High is 93° (1983)
Moonphase: New~ Pressure: 29.97 in~ Dew Point: 52° ~ Visibility: 10 Miles
Daylight: 15 Hrs 16M
Forecast for 7/17/2015 – AM Thunderstorms,  High: 78°F – Low: 64°F


LR 07-16-15A number of years ago the Leelanau County Road Commission experimented with a new road surface from Leland north to Leelanau Township.  It has been the worst decision they ever made and we have been listening to the road noise and rattling trucks ever since.   Today another section of it has been removed and replaced.  Yea!  Normally I don’t criticize the Road Commission because they keep our roads open and clean all year round and when you live in a “One road in, One road out” town you have to rely on them.  Waiting awhile in a couple of back-ups is well worth it.  So today… Hats off to the Road Commission,

I have just been informed that I’m full of it.  I’ve been educated to the fact that MDOT designed the road surface and is fixing it after all these years of having it falling apart.  I apologize to the Leelanau Road Commission, I should have known it wasn’t as dumb as the state.


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