Vol XVI # 070 – A Cold and Windy Day

Report #5544 Photo: LR_6-7-16

LR 6-7-2016

6:00 am ~ 49° ~Cloudy ~ Wind: N NW at 13 mph ~ Humidity:91%
Sunrise is at 5:57 am ~ Ave. Low is 49° ~ Record Low is 34° (1983)
3:40 pm – 52° ~ Cloudy ~ Wind: N NW at 13 mph ~ Humidity:63%
Sunset is at 9:28 pm ~ Ave. High is 73° ~ Record High is 94° (2011)
Moonphase:  Waxing Crescent ~ Pressure: 29.87 in ~ Dew Point: 44° ~ Visibility: 10 Miles
Daylight: 15 Hrs  31 Mns
Forecast for 6/8/16 – Mostly Sunny –  High: 59° – Low:45°


Brrrrr  best describes this mornings weather, cold and windy.  I wore my winter coat with a hood and was glad I did when I ventured out to the shore.  I’m having a difficult time walking, especially uphill and in the sand, so I’m not sure how long I can continue to visit my favorite morning destinations.  I’ll do it until I can’t.

Below is what it looked like yesterday at the Iris Farm. 


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Joan Seibenick
Joan Seibenick
8 years ago

Sorry you are having trouble getting around. I can relate! As my grandfather used to say…aging is not for the weak! Hope you have a good week.

8 years ago

Thank you so much for the effort everyday…love your pictures of one of my most favorite spots of mine anywhere!!!

Ken Willis
Ken Willis
8 years ago

Thank You for making the effort!!!

Dick, in Rankin
Dick, in Rankin
8 years ago

You’re doing the walking that a lot of us cannot do, so even if you do not leave the pavement, your efforts will be appreciated.