6:00 am ~ 60° ~ Rain Shower ~ Wind: E NE at 8 mph ~ Humidity: 83% Sunrise is at 5:56 am ~ Ave. Low is 53° ~ Record Low is 40° (1997) 4:15 pm – 71° ~ Sunny ~ Wind: N NW at 7 mph ~ Humidity:59% Sunset is at 9:33 pm ~ Ave. High is 76° ~ Record High is 92° (1994) Moonphase: Waxing Gibbous ~ Pressure: 30.12 in ~ Dew Point: 56 ~ Visibility:5 Miles Daylight: 15 Hrs 36 Mns Forecast for 6/18/16 – Sunny – High: 81° – Low:62°
A take the top off the Jeep day. Blue sky and warmer…. Can Summer be far behind?
Click on the “Coast Watch” Link on the right to get the temperature of the lake at different locations. We really can’t put in a temperature because it varies so much across the peninsula.
Could you put the temp of the lake water in the report? Thankd
Click on the “Coast Watch” Link on the right to get the temperature of the lake at different locations. We really can’t put in a temperature because it varies so much across the peninsula.