6:00 am ~ 59° ~ Sunny ~ Wind: W SW at 2 mph~ Humidity: 76% Sunrise is at 5:56 am ~ Ave. Low is 54° ~ Record Low is 34° (1992) 3:00 pm – 74° ~ Partly Cloudy ~ Wind: Southwest at 13 mph ~ Humidity:45% Sunset is at 9:34 pm ~ Ave. High is 77° ~ Record High is 92° (1988) Moonphase: Waxing Gibbous ~ Pressure: 29.90 in ~ Dew Point: 51 ~ Visibility:7Miles Daylight: 15 Hrs 36 Mns Forecast for 6/22/16 – Partly Cloudy – High: 75° – Low: 58°
The first day of summer is just as it should be… warm, sunny, beautiful in every way.
Biscuit is getting some “cute” hugs!!!!
Duh… Not the first picture but the second.. Sorry about that.
Tryna, Mr. B. turned around and aimed the camera the other way from the first pic for the second pic!
Thanks Judy, funny how different things can look from different angles .
Where was the top photo taken ??
Tryna, there is a walkway between the Falling Waters Lodge and The Cove Restaurant, he was on that. It’s just above the falls.