The first picture #298 has great interest and composition. It reminded me of what a jigsaw puzzle picture should look like. Thank you for keeping us connected to our favorite up north area.
Judy in Grand Blanc
7 years ago
Awww, sweet pic of Biscuit!
Bill hahn
7 years ago
Not a day for photos of great beauty or evidence of nature demanding attention but I am still very curious about the upturned corner of the west end of the dock on the river’s south side. My latest guess is that the ferry boat or other large vessel hit it with an audible wallop. Looks like a wave of wood. Thanks for all the effort which you exert with a protesting body. All blessings to all.
The first picture #298 has great interest and composition. It reminded me of what a jigsaw puzzle picture should look like. Thank you for keeping us connected to our favorite up north area.
Awww, sweet pic of Biscuit!
Not a day for photos of great beauty or evidence of nature demanding attention but I am still very curious about the upturned corner of the west end of the dock on the river’s south side. My latest guess is that the ferry boat or other large vessel hit it with an audible wallop. Looks like a wave of wood. Thanks for all the effort which you exert with a protesting body. All blessings to all.
Bill, the piling was forced up by the ice. No boats hit it.