6:00 am ~ 59° ~ Sunny~ Wind: Southwest at 2 mph ~ Humidity: 79% Sunrise is at 6:02 am ~ Ave. Low is 56° ~ Record Low is 46° (1996) 4:00 pm – 78° ~ Fair ~ Wind: West at 7 mph ~ Humidity:47% Sunset is at 9:33 pm ~ Ave. High is 80° ~ Record High is 89° (1989) Moonphase: Waning Crescent ~ Pressure: 30.09 in ~ Dew Point: 56° ~ Visibility 7 Miles Daylight: 15 Hrs 41 Mns Forecast for 7/4/16 – Sunny – High: 79° – Low: 61°
A great day to go for a boat ride. A beautiful blue sky with occasional puffy white clouds make it a picture perfect day.
I have read that an examination of the anatomy of the human eye, rods and cones and all that stuff, shows that humans can distinguish hundreds of shades of green. While accepting the truth of that, blue and red are my favorite colors and all others are close seconds. Today’s photos, with all that blue, are just wonderful. Just wonderful. That said, where did yesterday’s wedding take place? Can anyone help me on that query? If the fates allow a visit to that area, I’ll like to see the wood interior of that place.
I have read that an examination of the anatomy of the human eye, rods and cones and all that stuff, shows that humans can distinguish hundreds of shades of green. While accepting the truth of that, blue and red are my favorite colors and all others are close seconds. Today’s photos, with all that blue, are just wonderful. Just wonderful. That said, where did yesterday’s wedding take place? Can anyone help me on that query? If the fates allow a visit to that area, I’ll like to see the wood interior of that place.
Hi Bill, it was held at St. Mary’s in Lake Leelanau