The age of the visitors to Leland has changed as the families with school age children are back at home and the older generations are on the move. It’s amazing how many arrive on 2 wheels decked out in full leather.  I used to have a motorcycle… rode it here in the Leelanau wearing shorts, tee shirt, tennis shoes – no socks and a orange helmet. My last ride on a motorcycle was some 25 years ago when I borrowed Bill Bolingers 600 cc Nighthawk and rode it around the lake. I returned it to his garage and never rode a motorcycle again. Probably why I’m still alive today, at least maybe, one of the reasons. I loved the thrill of a fast motorcycle ride, especially here in Leelanau County where there are not many stop signs.
There are two kinds of riders, those who have gone down and those who are going down. I went down early and didn’t want to go there again.   Â
Keith, I remember well the time you borrowed my Honda 650cc Nighthawk for a ride around Lake Leelanau. A year or two later l bought a new Miata convertible in July 1989 to go from a 2 wheel vehicle to 4 wheels and reduce the risks of a fast motorcycle. It was a good decision as I still have my 1990 first year Miata which still looks new. It has never seen snow and with a small engine is much safer than the Nighthawk. At the Miata’s age of 27 years and mileage of 35,000 miles, the only problem is… Read more »
Hmmmm . . . . . Cheese Shanty
In 1962 when I lived in New York City I bought a beautiful old BMW 600cc touring bike and during the next several years I “toured” on the thing from northern Maine to Homestead, Florida. Lots of good memories; but with the arrival of a wife and kids my priorities changed (fortunately) and I sold it. No regrets.
WOW ~ that lake water looks sooo inviting! ??. Wish I was there! Sure would beat one of these hot, muggy & humid days here in central Ohio.