Vol XIX – #153 – May the Gale Force Be With You

Report #3653 Photo: LR_9-3-19

 JB91863 LR190903

 JB91922 LR190903Report by Jim

Gale warning today! Parts of Fishtown were under water, but it had subsided by the time I got there. Go to http://fishtownmi.org if you want to help with the effort to repair the damage from this year’s record water level. From there, I walked up North Beach to the “no-go” zone. Above is a very natural approach to saving what private beach is left. North of this point, the high water mark moves slowly right up to the hillside, the waves slowly eating away at what’s left. JB91881 LR190903

The magnetite and hemitite or “black sand” created some interesting patterns as it was being washed out with the waves.

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 JB91935 LR190903

This sick seagull was having a difficult time getting up the cliff out of the waves, so I moved her up into the dune grass.

 JB91939 LR190903

The driftwood shelter that washed away is back! Taking on a more replitian form this time.







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Judy in Grand Blanc
Judy in Grand Blanc
4 years ago

Nice job…and nice pics!

Dick, in Rankin
Dick, in Rankin
4 years ago
