Vol XIX – #240 – Crash!

Report #3740 Photo: LR_11-30-19

20191130 113047

Leland, MI
Partly Cloudy
6:09 am9:09 pm EDT
Feels like: 64°F
Wind: 2mph E
Humidity: 66%
Pressure: 29.81"Hg
UV index: 0
12 am1 am2 am3 am4 am
64°F / 54°F
72°F / 54°F
68°F / 59°F
68°F / 50°F
64°F / 46°F

20191130 114250(Report by Jim)

As goes with motorcycles, so goes with drones. It’s not if you will crash it, it’s WHEN. I was all set up for an epic low altitude shore run of North and South beaches when I lost communication with the drone and it continued it’s errant course into the hillside. Luckily, I still had GPS communication and could locate it 20ft up the hillside hanging on a branch with just a single propeller broken. I guess it could have been worse, it didn’t get dunked, but I did have to wade through almost waist deep Lake Michigan water to get to it because of the high water levels!20191130 113827

But wet and freezing or not, I will not pass up a photo of dinner-plate-sized Petosky stones20191130 11471120191130 11454820191130 115020

Don’t forget, if you want to save the shipping and get a great gift for someone this season, Leelanau Books has a stack of our books and calendars for sale!


Took a trip over to East Leland for a Christmas tree for the deck at Kolarik’s Tree Farm.


The 2020 Leland Report Calendar is available for $15.99+$2 shipping!

Click on the following link to order. There is a special on the Book+Calendar combination at $45 (You get the calendar for $6 !)  


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4 years ago

Great pics! Unlucky you lost the signal, lucky you didn’t loose the drone! Unlucky you hadn’t your chest waders randomly on?

Dick, in Rankin
Dick, in Rankin
4 years ago

Sorry for your loss, Jim . At least it did not go into the lake, If you can get any consolation from that.

You did come up with some interesting pix, though.

Donna McNally
Donna McNally
4 years ago

These photos are beautiful of the Petoskey Stones…sorry you had such a rough time saving the drone. Living in NC now, but still miss Leland so much. I still have my one large Stone I found 20 years ago, but miss looking down for them. Thank you for all of the postings and have a Blessed Christmas.