Vol XVI – #246 – Bridge Views

Report #5716 Photo: LR_11-30-16

LR 11-30-2016


6:00 am ~ 41° ~ Fair – Wind: Southeast at 5 mph ~ Humidity: 82%
Sunrise is at 8:01 am ~ Ave. Low is 27° ~ Record Low is 9° (1979)

3:20 pm – 49° ~ Mostly Cloudy ~ Wind: West at 10 mph ~ Humidity: 54%
Sunset is at 5:03  pm ~ Ave. High is 39° ~ Record High is 60° (1998)
Moonphase: New ~ Pressure: 28.81 in ~ Dew Point: 33° ~ Visibility: 10 Miles
Daylight: 9 Hrs 2 Mns
Forecast for 11/31/16 – Showers – High: 42° – Low: 35°



Another beauty of a November day. Wet days ahead, rain and possible snow.



The 2017 Leland Report Calendar is now shipping! New low price!  Look for the Book and Calendar Bundle here:  http://www.artistasylum.com/specialty-items/e5b7837c1



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Jim Burnham
7 years ago


Jim Burnham
7 years ago
Reply to  Jim Burnham

It’s me

wayne s. kahrs
wayne s. kahrs
7 years ago

Boathouse picture….available? How big? Cost? It is spectacular. If available, please send info. Thanks

Jim Burnham
7 years ago
Reply to  wayne s. kahrs

The photo is available at http://www.artistasylum.com/leland-report-landscapes/e215232de
Click on “See All Products” to find out the pricing for the item you want

Amy McIntire
7 years ago

What a lovely way to start the day…

Judy in Grand Blanc
Judy in Grand Blanc
7 years ago

Oh my gosh Mr. B, these are lovely pics! Thank you!

Bill Hahn, down south near Chelsea

Perfection. To be at the right place, at the right time, with an eye well trained for discernment, produces what we all love: pure beauty. In most of us we probably feel a sense of calmness. Nothing distracts us us. Kinda of like seeing Michelangelo’s Pieta in Rome. Which has been my privilege may I add. Thanks Kieth…..or Jim.

Dick, in Rankin
Dick, in Rankin
7 years ago

Well put, Bill.
You do have a way with words!

Sara Leeland
Sara Leeland
7 years ago

Incredibly beautiful photo! Can I get a print of it??? Please advise how.

Jim Burnham
7 years ago
Reply to  Sara Leeland

The photo is available at http://www.artistasylum.com/leland-report-landscapes/e215232de
Click on “See All Products” to find out the pricing for the item you want

Dick, in Rankin
Dick, in Rankin
7 years ago

Number one is number one.