One of those days that you want to sit by the fire and watch the “Master’s”. Today’s pictures are from mid-morning after an light overnight snow which recovered the ground after the last overnight snow melted. The most irritating thing about today is the wind gusting out of the southeast at 22 to 28 mph and the temperature at freezing. I made my way down to South Beach and the waters edge, turned north, took a picture, turned south, took a picture and headed back to the Jeep as fast as I could shuffle. This past winter, the edge of the path down ended with a 5 foot drop off and that was impossible for me to navigate. The past 3 weeks, rock collectors have been all over the shoreline and created a sand stairway down to the beach. Anyway, it’s not a nice day I’d say.
Sorry Mr. B., not so nice down here in the south either. Snow first then some sort of rain, yuck.
This would have been a good day to stay home & did into your archives,