Vol XVI – #086 – A Beautiful Leelanau Day

Report #5560 Photo: LR_6-23-16


LR 6-23-2016

6:00 am ~ 59° ~ Mostly Cloudy ~ Wind: East at 3 mph ~ Humidity: 75%
Sunrise is at 5:57 am ~ Ave. Low is 54° ~ Record Low is 42° (1982)
2:30 pm – 74° ~ Partly Cloudy ~ Wind: North at 9 mph ~ Humidity:48%
Sunset is at 9:34 pm ~ Ave. High is 78° ~ Record High is 88° (1997)
Moonphase:  Waning Gibbous ~ Pressure: 29.98 in ~ Dew Point: 53° ~ Visibility:7 Miles
Daylight: 15 Hrs  37 Mns
Forecast for 6/24/16 – Sunny –  High: 77° – Low: 58°



The day began with a mostly cloudy sky that really was the highlight of the morning picture taking.  I was very lucky to get the morning pictures as the battery died after about 7 takes.  I probably should check the gage every once in awhile. 




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Heather Valli
Heather Valli
8 years ago

The composition the second from the top is wonderful!

Jeff in Paw Paw
Jeff in Paw Paw
8 years ago

Two days and a wake up and I’m there walking the best beach anywhere.