Vol XVIII – #100 – From the Lens of Erhardt Peters

Report #6261 Photo: LR_7-10-2018

20180323 EPP0245
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(Keith is still a bit under the weather so Jim is filling in again today)

An action shot by Erhardt Peters of the legendary George Cook on the Why Not. This rare one has Erhardt’s notes on it.

The two above are the Irene and the Sambo. Below, the Janice Sue and the Joy. Today is a day for looking back at how things change and also remain the same.


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Harry P
Harry P
6 years ago

Always love the historical pictures by Mr. Peters, just as generations from now will love Burnham images and essays! Hope Keith feels better soon.

Dick, in Rankin
Dick, in Rankin
6 years ago

Always like to see Mr.Peters’ pix!

6 years ago

Good photos…thanks.

Judy in Grand Blanc
Judy in Grand Blanc
6 years ago

Love the Erhardt pics, thanks for sharing, Like the Leland Report pic too!

Nicki Steel
6 years ago

When I was quite young in the ’50s I remember seeing Capt. Cook on his porch (maybe Dad & I even stopped to talk?). Anyway, I had heard about Capt. Cook who had explored the South Seas and for a few years believed that he was the one. I was so impressed!