Category Archives: Lake Leelanau (the lake)

Vol XVIII – #200 – Meggen’s Monday

Sometimes, on an otherwise overcast day, the sun pierces through. It’s worth the wait. Sometimes, too, the reflections are as enjoyable as the leaves and trees.                                                                    … Read more »

Vol XVIII – #155 – Morning Fog and Clouds

(Report by Jim)   During my morning “shower” I saw a fog bank moving across the south side of the upper lake. I ran to the house, grabbed my camera and boated out to the middle. This is a four shot vertical panorama. The shot below is the fog at it’s peak.     This afternoon we helped rescue a… Read more »

Vol XVIII – #119 – A Perfect Fishtown Day

Today is one of those days that the clouds rule the sky.   (Jim) I took a break today and drove over to Fudgie Beach to catch a Cumulus forming over Lake Leelanau. I heard this storm produced heavy rains and lightning in Traverse City. This is all we got, shame. 😉   

Vol XVIII – #118 – Sailing Day

  A nice day for a sail with friends. Made it all the way to Robinsons Bay from the North end in an hour when the wind just decided to go somewhere else. Dead calm and a mile from home. Being close to sunset, we were running out of time to get back up to the North end when who… Read more »

Vol XVIII – #113 – Leland Clouds Pass Through My Life

  Keith is taking it easy this week so I am filling in from Illinois. I will be up in Leland all next week to bring you the Leland Report but seeing as I think I have a few hairline fractures in my toes, I will not be reporting from any trails. You might see some from a sailboat, however…. Read more »

Vol XVIII – #112 – Jim’s Monday

Meggen is on the road today, so we are doing a “Throw-Back Monday” for you. (Jim) The main photo is the Powerhouse that existed before the Cove. The second shot is a Walter McCord photo of the old Powerhouse from the bridge side. The third is a later view of the dam from the bridge in 1960 before the Cove or Falling… Read more »