Vol XVIII – #228 – Meggen’s Monday

Report #3389 Photo: LR_11-19-2018

Breakwater Splash-8558



Note: The 2019 Leland Report Calendar is available for purchase at the following link:





We welcomed the sunshine… and the return of Cap’n Joel Petersen to Leland, now that everything in Muskegon is tucked away for the winter. Then, in the quiet of a Monday morning in Traverse City: the annual placement of a huge tree on Cass and Front Streets always amazes me.

Sad news dept: With great sadness Keith received news of the passing of Fred Petroskey. Fred celebrated his 85th birthday on November 4th.

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Traverse City – the tree at Cass & Front (iPhone pano)

Biscuit has a buddy staying with him this week! Meet Blue. If you see Blue this week (and some of our neighbors have) call us. 😉

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Dick, in Rankin
Dick, in Rankin
6 years ago

Is Keith not Well?

Jim Burnham
6 years ago

Dick, when I am in Leland, I take over the photos for Keith. It’s pretty treacherous outside, so it’s better to give him a rest.