Vol XVIII – #230 -Wednesday Was An Ice Day

Report #3391 Photo: LR_11-21-2018

LR2018-11-21  DNE1442Note: The 2019 Leland Report Calendar is available for purchase at the following link:


LR2018-11-21  DNE1421LR2018-11-21  DNE1458

(Report by Jim)

Santa Claus is riding in style! I was up at the tree lighting and parade in Leland. Earlier I was freezing my *** off on North Beach (It was North Beach before the sign and will be North Beach long after the sign comes down). It’s going to be in the 40s soon so these ice sculptures on the breakwall are going to be gone by the weekend.

I have a new article up about my latest Black Hills Photography trip here:  https://lelandreport.com/portfolio/focus-trek-15-the-alt-black-hills-photo-shootout-part-1/

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Shirley Fredrickson Ches
Shirley Fredrickson Ches
6 years ago

FANNNNNNNNNN-TAAAAAAAS-TIC FOTOS – love what Mother Nature does with some wind, a bit of moisture, and a cold temp., AND there you were, with camera in hand, to capture her artistry. You Burnhams do pretty good work yourselves.

Dick, in Rankin
Dick, in Rankin
6 years ago

A great bunch of topical pix!