Tag Archives: sporck tileart
Vol XVII – #038 – A Glazingly Nice Day

(Report by Jim today) I stopped off at Leif Sporck’s new shop in Suttons Bay being managed by Susan Alexander. I got to see her glazing some awards to be handed out for a marathon this Summer. If you are in the Holland area, see Leif at the Tulip Festival and tell him we said hi. If you are in Suttons… Read more »
Vol XVII – #023 – Diversions, Reflections, Cheese, Spörck and Snow

(Report by Jim) In celebration of Fishtown opening up for the season, I am going back in time to the incredible record snow of 2013-14. This is what it looked like IN MARCH. We predicted an average if not low year that season and boy, were we off. The winner of the contest won with the highest guess out of… Read more »