Another dark, dreary and windy getup with Winter Storm Warnings forecasting 8 to 12 inches by tomorrow. My Dark Sky weather app on my IPhone says 1 to 3. So far the app has been right. At the moment my Radar app indicates that the heavy lake effect snow is falling just north of us. I don’t know how I did without “apps” in the past.
The Leland Report/Leif Spork Snow Gauge contest is closed. We had a total of 47 entries. We will report the final tally on 4/30/16!
Jim I don’t think there will be smoking up there! Drinks no food
Love the browns against the white snow, pretty pics despite the fierce looking wind.
First of all, beautiful photos as usual. Thanks Mr. Burnham! I just looked at yesterday’s photo of the hideous new deck at Boone’s in Suttons Bay; it was surprising there were no comments. I don’t interact with Facebook but I went over to the Report’s page and there were 22 comments and for the most part they were positive or neutral. It may be a sign of the times or my age but I think the addition looks awful.
We were surprised by the addition as well. A separate smoker’s deck? Only time will tell if it does what they want it to do, whatever that is.
They have a line into the street in the summer so now they can send them up stairs.