Vol XIX – #156 – Fred Pretrosky Remembered

Report #3656 Photo: LR_9-6-19

FB IMG 1567816153397

FB IMG 1567816142196Report by Jim

There was a show at the Old Art Building today celebrating the work of Fred Petrosky, one of our favorite painters who passed away last year. He loved to paint local characters, my Dad being one of them. 

The building below on Center Hwy between Suttons Bay and Traverse City is marked as a historic site, but I’m not exactly sure what it was and I can’t find it on the Leelanau Country list of historic places. A town hall if I remember correctly? What town?

On a side note, all our boats are now put away for the winter. Summer is now over.

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The clouds to the East at Sunset were very nice. 

 JB92248 LR190906


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Judy in Grand Blanc
Judy in Grand Blanc
5 years ago

Great pics!

Earlene Hill
Earlene Hill
5 years ago

I asked a descendant of the original Ruby Ellen Farm owners just down the road and here is the response:

“This served as the first schoolhouse for Bingham area kids and also was the first town hall/meeting place.

It is now in private ownership and they are maintaining its integrity. It is not used for anything other than storage, though they had a garage sale there this past summer, and another one about seven years ago.

It is a lovely little building and I hope it will continue to be preserved.”

Dick, in Rankin
Dick, in Rankin
5 years ago

Possibly a rural school?