Vol XIX – #191 – It’s Raining In Paradise

Report #3691 Photo: LR_10-11-19

LR 10-11-2019



It was posted yesterday that my commentary was missed. I haven’t commented for awhile.

Six years ago I was diagnosed with “Post Polio Syndrome”.  I had polio at the age of 2 and children under 5 are destined to have the syndrome by the time they reach 55, I was 80. I had reconstructive surgery at the age of 7 and again when I  was 15 and until now enjoyed a normal physical life. I wasn’t having any problems until two years ago when my right leg and foot began to have problems that restricted my mobility. In March of this year I was still able to make my way to the shoreline for my pictures and today I’m restricted to pretty much whatever I can take from the drivers seat of the Jeep. I am unable to seek out interesting pictures for the “Report” and for that reason I suppose commenting hasn’t been important.

I’m looking forward to the day that Jim takes over. Until that time I will report as best I can.












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Laurie D
Laurie D
5 years ago

I’m a little late in replying, but I too wanted to let you know how much the Leland Report means to me. If I miss checking the report for a day or two or more, I make sure to catch up on all the ones I missed — as I am doing today. I have been following the report for years. Thank you for sharing Leland and the surrounding area with those of us who only vacation there and dream about being there every other day of the year. Every picture is precious! Thoughts and prayers coming your way.

Jim Burnham
5 years ago
Reply to  Laurie D

Thank you! 🙂

k snyder
k snyder
5 years ago

big fan of the leland report! bright spot in my email every day—was lucky to be in biscuit report many years ago when we stayed in fishtown at the shanty with my folks…love your photos and how you share them with us—

Yvonne Fuhrmann
Yvonne Fuhrmann
5 years ago

Keith, we’ve been following fans for years. Any picture you take, from wherever you take it, is beautiful! We had the pleasure of meeting you and Biscuit 3 yrs ago. We were in the ‘Biscuit Report’…a special day we will never forget. We still look at that picture! Keep taking pictures from wherever u can, Keith. You’ve made many people very happy with them. Take care, and kisses to you and Biscuit. Thank you
Murray and Yvonne

5 years ago

Love all your pictures!! I check in daily all the way from California. The Leland Report makes me feel like I get to drive through Leland every morning. What a blessing! Thank you for continuing your posts. It’s a much-appreciated glimpse at a very special spot. Wishing you – and your Jeep – good health. 🙂

Tom DeVault
Tom DeVault
5 years ago

Thanks for all that you have done to bring a beautiful place to so many people. I remember first learning about polio reoccuring in a person’s later years. It was when it happened to the jazz bassist Charlie Haden. A real double whammy.
Take care

5 years ago

Thank you Mr B! ALL your pictures are interesting. TLR keeps me connected with beautiful Fishtown area and am grateful for all you’ve done and continue to do. Please give Biscuit a treat or fish sausage for me. Be well.

Judy in Grand Blanc
Judy in Grand Blanc
5 years ago

I have always enjoyed your pictures. I am so happy and grateful that I found you on facebook! Through you and TLR I have made new friends in Leland/Fishtown. I am always happy to see your work here! Jim soes great things as well. The Burnham’s rock!

Judy in Grand Blanc
Judy in Grand Blanc
5 years ago

Sorry…Jim does….😁

sugarloaf Rasa
sugarloaf Rasa
5 years ago

Love anything that you post, keep up the great work and kisses to Biscuit <3