Vol XVIII – #153 – A Special Sunrise

Report #6313 Photo: LR_9-5-2018

JF8 4991

(Report by Jim)
We were met with a spectacular Leland sunrise this morning. I wish I had looked earlier because this was not the peak. The photos were already posted everywhere by the time I got down to the shore. I guess I’m old fashioned, I choose to lug the camera and bag down to the shore. If I miss it, I miss it.
LR 2018-09-02-20180902 190850
The photo above is at Miller’s Northwoods Market on M22 between Onekama and Arcadia. I was taking a photo of their old Ford below and saw the market was opened and went in to check it out. The nicest people in the world run this place and despite having a cash register and calculator right nearby, he totaled everything up by hand.
LR 2018-09-02-JF8 4789
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Harry P
Harry P
6 years ago

Great pictures and nice write-up, Jim. Not to be a stickler, but that doesn’t look like a Ford, more like an early fifties GMC. (I can’t help it, the vehicle-geek in me… please forgive!)

Judy in Grand Blanc
Judy in Grand Blanc
6 years ago

Great pics Jim!

Dick, in Rankin
Dick, in Rankin
6 years ago

Jim, you didn’t miss anything, as far as I’m concerned.