Vol XVIII – #267 – October in December

Report #3428 Photo: LR_12-28-2018

LR2018-12-28  DNE2072

Note: The 2019 Leland Report Calendar is available for purchase at the following link:

LR2018-12-25  DNE1864(Report by Jim)
45 degrees and rain this morning down to 32 degrees and snow. Welcome to Michigan. I set up a baited log on the porch this week for some birding photos and after the wind knocked it down yesterday, the black squirrels found it. Happy to have filled in this week! See you in February.

We still have calendars left, get yours here: https://www.burnhamgraphicarts.com/specialty-items/e5b7837c1

LR2018-12-25  DNE1854

LR2018-12-28  DNE2090

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Dick, in Rankin
Dick, in Rankin
6 years ago

Nice nature studies, Jim!
However that’s a black squirrel, not brown.