Author Archives: Jim Burnham

Vol XXII – #42 – Back on the Breakwall

  So, the snow came and went. Not much to speak of. But we did have some blue sky peak before that happened. Another light year for snow so far, and most of the north end of the lake is not frozen over. But, I’m seeing some promising signs at the mouth of the river. Still enough snow to ski… Read more »

Vol XXII – #41 – Some Snow

Welcome to the first post of 2023! This is the extent of the blue sky for the day today. Light snow was falling for most of the day after this, sometimes heavy. I took the afternoon and cross-country skied the Good Harbor Trail. The loop was clear except for the southern half, which was littered with 10-15 old-growth trees that… Read more »

Vol XXII – #40 – Merry Christmas

  Merry Christmas from everyone in the Leland Report orbit to yours!    The 2023 Leland Report Calendar is currently at the printers and I expect to ship by the end of this October. We no longer post every day, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have images to share. We thank you for your support as you make this… Read more »

Vol XXII – #39 – Blast From the Past

  To end 2022, which was certainly an improvement from 2020 and 2021 in many ways, each day I will be posting some favorites from the blog from 20 years ago. It’s hard to believe we’ve kept this going for this long. I think it should be added as part of the historical record of Leland. We still have 80… Read more »

Vol XXII – #38 – Cyber Monday

  It’s Cyber Monday again! Get 30% off anything in the Burnham Graphic Arts store including the calendar, book and photo prints.  Browse to Use CM2022 as a coupon code. Good through Tuesday! Here are a couple of the images from the 2023 calendar. See below for the direct link. The 2023 Leland Report Calendar is currently at the… Read more »

Vol XXII – #37 – Sunshine and Gradients

  Rain ended late yesterday and today was sunny all day. I took the opportunity to move the boat out into the sun to dry it out from last month’s downpour. Everything is put away for the Winter. I went to pick up Deb’s mountain bike from Sutton’s Bay Bike Shop and on the way back stopped to photograph an… Read more »

Vol XXII – #36 – Oranges and Reds

It’s been raining the last couple days, mostly today. I woke up to a bizarre orange hue to everything an hour after sunrise. I tried to come close in the edit of the first photo, but it was more than that. Later, I tried to record the reds in the Japanese Maple tree outside the back door and got much… Read more »

Vol XXII – #35 – Down to the Big City

  Down to the big city in the other Leland Report Jeep today. The color started right outside our door. On the way back up, a quick stop off M72 for a drone flight, and then at the boat launch on Lime Lake. There are a lot of things in this photo, bottom to top, Maple City Rd (667), Little… Read more »

Vol XXII – #34 – Color is Still Around

  I’m back up for the week so I took the sunny and unseasonably warm day to tour the area for some color in the Leland Report jeep. Yes, no back tire, but it’s flat, so really doesn’t do any good. Anyway, there is a busted hinge pin back there and the tire wasn’t helping. It looks like between peak… Read more »

Vol XXII – #33 – 2023 Leland Report Calendar

  The 2023 Leland Report Calendar is currently at the printers and I expect to ship by the end of this October. We no longer post every day, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have images to share. We thank you for your support as you make this worthwhile for us. I am limiting the printing to 200 calendars this… Read more »