(Report by Jim) A cloudless, moonless night usually means I’m going to step away from a conversation to hit my shutter button. Last night, Venus was very bright over the North end of Lake Leelanau. After it set, the rest of the galaxy came out. We had some fun with John Marshall and his daughter Scout taking long exposure star fields…. Read more »
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(Report by Jim) Sometimes you get lucky with the sunsets over the Manitou Islands and sometimes it helps to have a little bit extra in the foreground. I had some animal encounters this week on the lake. Don’t worry, the lab was perfectly happy where he was. His owner was not far away! I’m not sure about the turtle, though…. Read more »
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This morning, the harbor flew a small craft advisory pennant. The Manitou Passage is likely to be rough, even if it doesn’t appear too bad from shore. I always enjoy looking out at the islands no matter what’s going on with the wind, rain, and sunshine. Today as they often do, the tips of the islands seem to float… Read more »
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From mostly cloudy to fantastic cloudy, what a sky show.! We have had terrific cloud formations the past couple of days. A one mile per hour northeast wind provided us with a picture taking calm Big Blue.
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A beautiful day up north… great for sitting at the edge of a dock…
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One of my favorite indicators of spring is the forsythia that blooms, and heading north into Leland is an amazing row, just popping now. It’s a clear, cool spring day up north!
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