Tag Archives: leland yacht club
Vol XVII – #127 – Barbecruise Day

(Report by Jim today) I think I got it right this year. Last year I posted the winner of the boat parade and got it all wrong. Then I added that boat to this year’s invitation. I know this year is right because I took a video of the presentation tonight. But, we had fun with the mix up. The Leland… Read more »
Vol XVI # 077 – First Day of Sailing School

A overcast but beautiful beginning to a very nice day. It was a perfect day to begin teaching sailing at the Leland Yacht Club. The sailing class was small but in a week or two there will be a lot more students. A Fishtown Story: As usual Biscuit gets a lot of attention in Fishtown, even from those who have… Read more »
Vol XV #129 – A Powerful Day Indeed

This week is the last week of Sailing School at the Leland Yacht Club, our grandkids, Meredith and Daniel Burnham along with Biscuit and the rest of the crew sat for a group picture. Our power outage lasted approx. 46 hours, not bad considering that the prediction was for Thursday at 4:00 pm which would have meant about 90… Read more »
Vol XV #113 – Oh What a Beautiful Day… For a Tribute

The Leland Yacht Club held a memorial Sunfish Regatta dedicated to the memory of Past Commodore Jim Fenton. Jim was known for his love of racing his Sunfish and dedication to his years as LYC Commodore. Present along with family members were Past Commodores Norb Gits, Bill Bolinger, Ted Sichler, Keith Burnham, Mary Jo Grogan, John Stanley and Laura Paine.